Menu Guide


Welcome to the Menu navigation guide

Dear visitor, welcome to the main menu navigation guide. Reading this page will give you a clarity about the features of this blog's content. It explains in detail about how to peruse through the menu. Every content on this blog is divided into a list of menus. Some menus have a list of sub-menus which are different from each other topic-wise. The menu acts like the foundation of the building while their sub-menus can be looked upon as quarters or rooms inside the building. Just like how these rooms serve different purposes, sub-menus serve different purposes under their respective menu. 

There are 7 items in the blog's main menu. The 7 items on the menu are titled Celebrities, Movies, Music, Read, Shows, Utility and Watch. They each serve different purposes. They may seem similar in bits here and there but are totally unique to each other. Each of the menu and their sub-menus give the readers different and vivid reading or watching experience. Wonderful exploration lie ahead! Time to navigate using this guide. Let's dive into the details of the entire menu tab now.

1. Home

The home button sits right in between the blog's spinning icon and the main menu list. It brings you to the homepage of the blog. No matter where you were browsing on the blog, clicking the home button will get you back to the front page. There are two home buttons. One is between the spinning icon and the menu. The other is at the bottom or the footer of the blog. Any time you need to get back to the main interface, click the home button. The home button is not really a part of the menu but it gets a mention just for being next to the menu and being useful anyway.

2. About 

This is a page and also not a part of the menu list. It sits between the home button and the main menu list. This page gives you a brief description of the blog and it's author. It also outlays the purpose of the blog and serves a small hello to the blog readers. A summary of the blog is explained on this page. Don't worry, it doesn't run into paragraphs of essays and boredom. For the rest of a few minor details not mentioned on this page, they can be traced to the FAQs page.

3. Celebrities

The name itself is self-explanatory, dear friends. In this menu, you'll only find about the life of artists. Read their stories, their journey to stardom, controversies, what makes them as them etc. You'll be exposed to various stars from all around the world. You will get to learn life lessons (whether good or not) from their experiences. Hope you enjoy. 

This menu has 2 sub-menus. One is titled as 'Famous Stars' and the other is 'Global Stars'. The sub-menu Famous Stars focuses on very well-acclaimed figures in the entertainment business from the English-speaking origin from Australia, Hollywood, UK etc., while the Global Stars sub-menu focuses on the most popular figures from the rest of the world.

a) Famous Stars - Dear readers, if you love reading about some of the greatest hit makers in entertainment industry, this sub-menu is your finest resource. You will find their stories in here. This sub-menu will have biographies on leading artists from the past and present on it. You will get to learn their lifestyle, struggles and success stories. You will get to learn about their history and mantras that got them there. Come follow them on their journey. Of course, there is not enough time to read everyone of them but you will enjoy perusing through your favourite artists. More and more information will added as we get them. Updates and all. Hope you really enjoy all this reading.

b) Global Stars - This sub-menu will have biographs pertaining to artists from all over the world. All the great stuffs about non-English speaking famous artists can be found in this sub-menu. You'll get to know artists that you never knew before or barely knew. Their life stories, success stories and some non-intrusive personal life will be available for reading. From Chile to Japan...from Greenland to'll get to read about new people and famous artists in the global scene. One has to remember that these are artists who are headlining the industry in their resident regions. Their invaluable contributions need global push, so that the whole world can enjoy and appreciate their unmatched talent. You might discover a new artist that you might love for life. Do read about their life and offer your support by becoming their new fans.

4. Movies

This menu and it's sub-menus will be contain the subject of movies only. This is where I try to provide recommendations and reviews of various movies. You won't get to watch any movies because it's going to be only articles on them. These articles are not the nature's unchangeable laws but merely my personal opinions. Some might be favourable and some not. But it could shed light on what you might get to see from the actual movies. Readers are urged to form their own opinions post-watching them. This menu has 2 sub-menus. One is 'English Movies' and the other is 'International Movies'.

a) English Movies - This sub-menu will cover the movies coming from the Australia, United States and United Kingdom or from any other country producing movies in the English language. All the blockbusters and underground movies are going to be covered eventually. 

b) International Movies - This sub-menu will cover movies that are of non-English language production. There are so many beautiful movies apart from the ones in English and deserves due audience-appreciation. You'll get to find amazing movies to put in your watchlist.

5. Music

Do you love music? Of course, who doesn't love music! Answer : Some exceptional people. Anyway, there is music all around us. Here there everywhere, the universe entirely has some form of rhythm. This menu is full of music. You will get to watch and enjoy many music videos. Each track has lyrics in them, so that you can either learn or sing along. Nothing can replace the magic that comes from music. The mental pleasure is something else. All tracks are selected by me. They are completely my choice and what I assume is enjoyable for a wide variety of audience. Hope you enjoy the music.

This menu has been further split into 2 sub-menus for clarity and distinction. They are namely 'Mainstream Music' and 'World Music'. The sub-menu Mainstream Music has all the popular music that are consumed by English-speaking people all over the world, while the World Music sub-menu contains music produced by non-English speakers. Both the subs are totally enjoyable.

a) Mainstream Music - Love listening to good music? This is it. Here, you'll find good music from popular musicians from the mainstream. Mostly, you'll find music from the author's pick but you'll find them very entertaining. It's fun enough to turn your boring day over. That's a promise! Do check out for updates on the music that you love. Leave your likes and dislikes with opinions in the comment section of this sub-menu. Overall, hope you have a great time vibing to some fine music on here.

b) World Music - As the name itself will tell, its a sub-menu for music from around the world. Discover new music from new places. Find uniqueness in music that never gets played on mainstream platforms. Discover vibrant music in foreign languages. They are colourful. They are enjoyable. Only non-English music will find its way into this sub-menu. The purpose is to uncover and spread good music from around the world. You may find that the languages are unknown to you but the music is thrilling enough. It is believed that music can touch the soul despite linguistic barriers. The idea is to make it happen here. Get your dancing shoes on for this one. Enjoy!

6. Read

Read is probably the best reading item on the menu list. As the name itself makes it obvious, Read is meant purely for articles. The readers get to read a wide variety of articles on literally anything. Facts, public figures, influential events, history, politics, places, science, trends and anything worth reading. We want our readers to contribute feedback and corrections if any. Any and all kinds of feedback are welcome. Read tries to be a window of both fascination and knowledge. Many useful articles can be found from browsing through this menu. Some of these articles might have a video in order to add to your reading splendour.

A quick search from the search box will act like a shortcut to Read menu. It will take you to the topic that you want. The pleasure of reading is like no other. Please do enjoy your reading time. 

7. Shows

This menu has articles pertaining to TV shows and web shows. They are handpicked favourites of mine. This must be the menu on the list with the least items because I do not watch much shows. Also to note are that all the matters written about these shows are my personal opinions only and not from an experts point of view. Readers are urged to make their own discretions from watching the actual shows. This menu will highlight some important or key elements that make these shows enjoyable to watch. 

8. Utility

Utility is a menu with some useful sub-menus. It has a list of posts that may help you find some key elements in the blog. Depending on case-to-case, different readers might find it useful or totally not worth it. There may be some announcements or updates in some of it's sub-menus. How to use this menu is left to the discretion of the patrons. Currently, there are 5 sub-menus in the Resources menu. They are Affiliate Disclosure, FAQ, Homepage Guide, Menu Guide and Rules For Submissions.

a) Affiliate Disclosure - Planet Of The Entertainment is into affiliate marketing or affiliate program. It functions as an affiliate to certain sellers. This disclosure reveals affiliation and the purpose of it. You can buy products at a discount or an offer depending on the seller and their season. You must compulsorily read through this disclosure before deciding on purchases.

b) FAQ - It stands for 'Frequently Asked Questions'. Regular patrons and visitors will have certain questions in their minds regarding the blog. A list of probable questions are listed in this sub-menu and answered. An attempt to answer most possible generic questions have been made. For more queries, please comment below the FAQ post or send an email.

c) Homepage Guide - A complete guide to the home page, it serves as an overview of the main page. You'll find a summary on what each element on the main page is about and what to do with them. If anything looks confusing, please look it up on the Homepage Guide explaining what it is.

d) Menu Guide - You are right now reading on it. It provides a detailed explanation of each menu and their sub-menus. For clarifications on any of those, please look it up over here.

e) Rules For Submissions - This sub-menu is for patrons and visitors who want to partake in the blog's production. They can do so by submitting a content. This sub-menu tells the rules to get a submission published on the blog. Before submitting a content, it is very important to understand these rules fully. 

9. Watch

This menu is dedicated for all entertaining videos from around the globe. Entertainment just doesn't mean movies, music and shows. It percolates down to everyday individuals like the rest of us. This menu will have videos from normies and abnormies from all over the world. All the amateur, homemade content, viral videos and web-videos will feature on here. Such content will give them an exposure as well as for the readers too. Visitors will get to see new people and new cultures from these videos. Hope you'll like them a lot.

An upcoming menu in the future

A new menu will be soon added to the above main menu list. It will be a separate menu. It will be titled as "Submissions". Submissions menu will feature all the content donated by the valued patrons and visitors. If you want a content to feature on the blog, please do make a submission using the Contact Form. A classification of their content into sub-menus will be decided upon later when submissions have started happening. There is no time forecast for the launch of this menu yet. Please await further for the details. 

So, that concludes the Menu Guide. If you've read upto this far, it means that you are now clear about your way around. You need no help anymore. Really looking forward towards engagement with our readers and visitors. It's going to be a great time for us for sure! Hope you have a nice time browsing through the blog. Thank you for reading all the way. Wish you a happy journey!

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