Homepage Guide


Welcome to the Homepage Guide

Dear readers, welcome to the homepage navigation guide page. On this page, is detailed description of what you can do on the blog's homepage. This page serves as a guide for navigating through the homepage because it's like a jungle in here. Want to make sure where to go first or what topic to skip? Let this navigator help you around. This guide will show you a glimpse of what's in store here. A heads-up or a trailer to the various content. Be sure to read up (just in case), you need full clarity upon entering the site. You can consider this page as an expansion to the sitemap. Hope you find it easy anyway. Happy reading!

As soon as you click the link or type in the URL, you'll be lead to the homepage. The homepage is just a summary of the blog. It's like a face to the name. You'll be immediately met with a lot of teasers to various posts. You'll find some catchy topic right off the bat. A vibrant visual of thumbnails highlighting recent posts is always on the homepage. Each of them are ready to be clicked and read right away. Come on in!

Just below the welcome teaser, are only 2 more highlights. One is the pinned post. The pinned post gets changed once in a while. The best or most interesting of all posts depending on the "changing times" gets pinned. The other highlight is a list of recent posts. You'll find a few of them appear below the pinned posts routinely as content keep getting added. Mostly, they show a list of recently made posts. This way, you'll know what's latest on the blog.

On the right-hand side of the blog, you'll find a long list of various resources. It's extremely useful to get around places in the blog by clicking them. Here's a list of the items and what they do.

1) What are you looking for? : This is a search box. You know how it works, right? Ha ha! Just enter a keyword that you want to read or watch and click go. The results will be delivered to you instantly. Happy finding!

2) Labels : All the blogposts are labelled. It means that every post is assigned with a label. Label is a random name like a locality. Once you click a label, every post signed with that label will appear to you as a result. Just like how if you beckoned the residents of an area and they congregate. It's a quick way to reach posts faster than browsing via the menu. This template has a compilation all the labels in the entire blog. Be sure to check them if this appeals to you.

3) Popular : This template shows a brief list of popular posts that readers have read before you had arrived here. The most popularly read post features on top and then followed by others in subsequent successions. Be sure to check out what's most widely read or watched here. Tell us why.

4) Comments : Since this site is a blog, reader engagement is available. Readers are able to comment their views on posts that they like or dislike. A brief feature of few comments will feature on this list, so you'll know what's the most engaging post or posts on the blog. You may leave your valuable comments. We read all of them and take lessons.

5) Archives : Here's a list of archived posts split by month and year. This blog was made in the year 2023, so you can have a chance to go back and read up content from back then. Archives prevent the long work of browsing for the very first early content.

6) Menu : This is a summation of all the labels and the number of posts featured on each of them. It gives you, the reader, a highlight of which label has greater or least amount of posts and also why they are popular or controversial. It'd be very interesting to find out why until you find out for yourselves.

7) Most Viewed : A brief number of posts that get the highest views from visitors do feature in this list. Good engaging posts get greater number of views and are subject to change as time goes by. This will save time of the visitors who want to get to the most viewed content on the blog immediately. Please be sure to engage in the comment section of your liked or least favourite posts.

8) Contact Form : It is very important to us that our visitors have a way to contact us. This form allows the readers to send us a message. When you fill up this form, it sends us an email format of your message. Please bring your thoughts to our attention using this form and then we can engage in exchange of detailed emails. This tool is highly useful in grabbing our attention. Be sure to keep the first contact with us as concise and precise as possible...just enough to get our attention first.

9) ScamAdviser verification : ScamAdviser assigns trust scores to sites based on factors like site popularity and security features which can help you evaluate website reliability. The tool provides detailed site information that helps you quickly identify fraudulent websites. This blog has been verified by ScamAdviser in detail and given a clean chit. You can click the image to read about their assessment about the blog.

10) Footer list : This list is at the bottom of the homepage in horizontal orientation. This list gives you directions to clear and useful items. Currently, there are 4 items on the list and might increase as the blog grows.

a) A spinning blog icon - This is a request to the reader with an objection to the content featured in the blog. Please reach out immediately for credits or corrections to any content or their removals. They shall be promptly followed upon request by the owners to their content.

b) Pages - This list features all the pages of the blog. Like how the foundation is to a skyscraper, so are pages to a blog. They describe the basis and motto of the blog. The core purpose and some guidelines are found on these various pages. Please be sure to visit these pages to get an complete overview of the blog and the authors.

c) Socials - This list will show you how to find the author/owner of the blog on social media. You may connect via these platforms with me and share your interesting thoughts about entertainment topics. I welcome you to give me feedback too.

d) Support Us - If you like our content and want to support, you are most welcomed to. They come as motivation for us creators. We can move ahead faster with your support in words and deeds to deliver better content each time. Our supporters are our sole strength in staying upbeat and inspired. A list of how we can be supported is featured here. Please do support us, thank you.

e) At the most bottom of the blog, you will get to see a horizontal list of important things. They are Home, Contact Us, FAQ and Sitemap. 

Home takes you to the main page of the blog from wherever you are. 
You can write to me by using the Contact Us link. 
FAQ gives you a list of questions and answers about the blog, purpose and few other things that you not want to write to the author in order to find out. 
The Sitemap gives you a map of the entire blog and it is very important.

That concludes the navigation tips around the homepage. There is another navigation guide too and meant for the menu. Do check it out too. A big thanks for reading if you've made it this far. Request your contributions in comments, content and support, dear readers. It's impossible to survive without your feedback and support. Thank you so much for everything and happy browsing!

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